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Login Help Page

Here is a list of reasons you cannot login & solutions to each!

1) I have forgotten my password.

Most people have different passwords for different things, so it's easy to forget. The solution is simple - all you need to do is click here and we will send you a new password.

If you like you can change the password to a new one once your'e logged in.
If the website refuses to send you a new password or gives an error message on the email address you have used, then this most likely means you are not on our database and need to create a new account.

Create a New Account, Click Here.

2) You could also be using a different email address, many people have more than one email address. You can change/update your email address but you must first log in with your previous/old email address and then update your account details with your new email address.

3) I have ordered online before but it was a long time ago. This is the first time I have been asked to log on onto the new Tall Guy website!

If you have previously ordered via phone or from our old website (and this is the first time on our new site) you will have an existing account.
You will not be able to create a new account using an existing email address.

In order to access your old account you must enter your email address twice - once as your email and once as your password. If you were on our old system or on our old website, we have transferred most of the old accounts to our new system and here's how you log in.

Your old or original email address (used on your last account on the old website) is now your new password.

The log in page requires you to input your email address AND a password.

Simply input your email address into both fields and you can log in, then simply update your password to whatever you like once you have successfully logged on. Make sure you save the changes and you are ready to go.


4) OK none of the above worked! Now what?

If you have tried the above solutions then that will most likely mean that we do not have your details on our system.
That's not a problem simply create a new account. It only takes a few seconds to complete.

Click here to create a new account

5) Can I just get the Tall Guy team to sort it and email me with my new details?

Yes, No problem!

Easy! Just fill in your details below and our guys will email you back with your new (or updated) account details.

You can either:

1) Give us all of your details and we can do the entire thing for you. We would need your full name, shipping address, phone number & email address.

2) Or you can fill in the details when you log in and you just want access to your account, then all we need is your full name and email address. You will then be emailed a new password.

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